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Nebraska Grazing Lands - Nebraska Cattlemen Host Summer Grazing Tour (June 10, 2014)

NGLC-NC Summer Grazing Tour (June 10, 2014)

The Nebraska Grazing Lands Coalition (NGLC) and the Nebraska Cattlemen (NC) teamed up to present the joint 2014 Summer Grazing Tour in southwest Nebraska near Imperial. The tour involved three long standing ranches that have incorporated effective grazing management for many years including the Maddux Cattle Co., Wineglass Ranch Inc. and Kuenning and Son, LLC. The tour also stopped at Imperial Beef, a confinement feedlot that contributes greatly to the economy of the Imperial, NE community. Southwest Nebraska had experienced prolonged severe drought conditions over the last 2 ½ years and a key area of discussion was the various ranches’ drought management plans including partial destocking. Given the severe drought conditions, a teachable moment presented itself as these ranches appeared to be far less negatively impacted by lack of moisture than other ranches in the area. The tour hosts shared their grazing techniques and time tested managerial practices that make their operations work. Approximately 180 ranchers, agency representatives and grazing enthusiasts participated in this event

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