Sandhills Resource Conservation & Development
"Making the Sandhills a Better Life"
What is RC&D??

The Sandhills Resource, Conservation, and Development Council, better known as RC&D, is a nonprofit organization created to help develop and improve the social, econimic and environmental conditions whithin the Sandhills area it serves. That area is the Nebraska counties of Arthur, Grant, Hooker, Keith, Lincoln, Logan, McPherson and Thomas.
Volunteers from each pariticapting county comprise a governing counsil to plan and conduct the activities of the Sandhills RC&D. These people volunteer their time to help make positive things happen in their communities.
Local people providing local solutions to local problems!!

"To create an environment where all the citizens of the region work together to revitalize the rural economy, enhance and protect the natural resources, improve community infrastructure, and improve and increase tourism opportunities."

Land Management
Land Conservation
Community Development
Water Management